I moved this blog to other domain: https://tech.panshin.me , please update your bookmarks

Monday, May 4, 2009

Attach multiple functions to events

Attach multiple functions to events

Attach multiple functions to events

The function that need to place some wear on page:

function addEvent(obj, evType, fn)
if (obj.addEventListener)
obj.addEventListener(evType, fn, false);
return true;
else if (obj.attachEvent)
var r = obj.attachEvent("on"+evType, fn);
return r;
return false;

Sample to call the function:

addEvent(window, 'load', functionName);

.NET Internationalization with databa...

NET Internationalization with database resource provider and custom cultures

.NET Internationalization with database resource provider and custom cultures

Database storage is a popular option for Web-application resources, for a number of reasons. You can probably guess, at some point with a site that has thousands of pages and multiple-thousand resource entries, using assembly resources might not be ideal. It will add to run-time memory usage, not to mention the increased number of assemblies loaded into the application domain. Both of these results can have a negative impact on performance for extremely large sites, making the latency of a database call worthwhile. Database resources might also provide a more flexible and manageable environment for the localization process, for reducing duplicates, for intricate caching options, and for storing possibly larger blocks of content. Lastly, allocating resources to a database makes it possible to support more complicated hierarchies of translated content, where customers or departments might have customized versions of the text that is then also localized.

PS: Articles with information about:
Hooking meta:Resource parsing in ASP.NET 2.0? by Rick Strahl
Extending the ASP.NET 2.0 Resource-Provider Model by Michèle Leroux Bustamante
.NET Internationalization: Using Custom Cultures

Small things about .NET

Small things about .NET

Small things about .NET

Sometimes I need to build string from strings array spparated by any simbol, so I found this sample:

string[] strArr = {"1","2","3"};
string output = "";

for(int i = 0; i < strArr.Leght;)
output += strArr[i] + ((strArr.Leght > ++i) ? "," : "");

Result: 1,2,3

Checking site status

Checking site status

Checking site status

For this blog I need the image that link to my private web site, but my web site not all time on line so I write javascript that show if my web site on line, and if no so write "My site off line.." become image.

<a id="myWebsiteImgLink" href="http://panshin.no-ip.org">

<img src="http://panshin.no-ip.org/Images/WebsiteImg.jpg" onerror="OnErrorLoadImage(this);"/>



function OnErrorLoadImage(img)


    document.getElementById('myWebsiteImgLink').href = '#';

    document.getElementById('myWebsiteImgLink').innerHTML = '<strong>My Web Site is Offline Now.</strong>';




Sunday, May 3, 2009

Create site with Blogger as CMS and P...

Create site

Create site with Blogger as CMS and Picasa as Photoalbum

One day I decide to create my personal site: http://panshin.blogspot.com . I didn't want something difficult. I was need site with simple CMS manager and with photo album. Also I wanted to practice in using Mootools library with Google API. So I decide use Blogger as site holder and CMS manager, Google Pages as javascript and images holder and Picasa as album manager. A structure of the site you can see on following diagram.


I have google account. If you have google account you can use it for registration on blogger.com, pages.google.com and picasa.com.  So in blogger I created blog per page on my site. A main page blog I used to entring point to my site. Also I customized XML template of the blog. I changed the layout of page according to my design, and deleted all old content of XML. In additional I added to header, links to javascript and CSS files.
So the base of my site was created.
I started javascript coding. The structure of content you can see on following diagram.

When user pressed on button in menu bar, I started loading content from blogger according to the button. 
You can see the script that do it at: http://panshinspace.com/lib/blog.js

The following script is loading all post of blog in Json format.



var script = document.createElement('script');

var src = 'http://www.blogger.com/feeds/'+






     src += '&orderby='+this.options.orderBy;


script.setAttribute('src', src);

script.setAttribute('id', 'blogJsonScript_' + this._blogId);

script.setAttribute('type', 'text/javascript');




After loading the script call to function that run by Json objects and fill content holder with content.

A script that loading albums from Picasa look different but concept is same: http://panshinspace.com/lib/album.js